Why outsource? Why not just handle on our own?
Making your own reservation for travel is one thing, but pre-arranging guaranteed room availability for even a small group is another. There are more than 60 negotiable items in the average hotel contract. Add to that the unique, business continuity-specific language Continuity Housing recommends to mitigate financial exposure, where length of stay can be difficult to determine in advance, and you begin to see the need for an expert. By using a team who speaks the hotels’ language and has decades of experience, you save significant money and can focus on your many other responsibilities during a crisis.
We work as an extension of your team, watching inventory levels at your contracted hotels and monitoring their compliance with our strict contracts.
What exactly does Continuity Housing do?
We are your single point of contact for all things housing . . .
- In depth hotel research of safety standards, emergency procedures, product quality, service offerings, local amenities and more
- Extensive RFP process with strategic recommendations based on your criteria
- Hotel contract negotiation
- Hotel billing arrangements
- Scheduled reports of each program hotel’s availability during your contracted term in order to monitor contract compliance
- Invoice auditing
- Dedicated logistics team to coordinate chartered transportation between recovery site and hotels, arrange catered food and beverage, audit hotel room blocks, manage reservation changes and assist with any other housing related issues that may arise
- Customized apps to inform your team of hotel assignments, local amenities, hotel safety information, etc.
We manage programs for 50+ employees with no maximum and are immediately scalable, as evidenced by our work on the Deepwater Horizon spill response from 2010 – 2014, where we managed the entire portfolio of hotel contracts across five states.
Sending entire families? No problem. If you deploy, we are very granular when making room assignments, covering everything from special needs to the family pet.
What do your services cost?
There is a flat, annual project fee based on the number of hotels we manage for you. We provide an itemized list of required tasks so you see exactly how the fee is derived. Fees are amortized over the contract term and payable on a monthly basis.
In addition, each hotel you select receives a deposit – typically equivalent to a one-night stay for each room under contract – that is applied to future deployments. If you don’t deploy during the contracted term, your deposit can be applied toward other qualifying hotel expenses. Any unused deposit monies are considered earned by the hotels at the end of the term.
Your marketing material says, “100% coverage for less than 5% of the price.” Can you explain that?
A hotel room is a perishable good. Each night, the hotel’s goal is to have a paying guest in every room because once that night passes, the revenue opportunity is gone. Without Continuity Housing, the only way to guarantee room availability is to buy the rooms outright.
With our proprietary contract language and strategy to spread risk, Continuity Housing secures that same strong guarantee for only a small percentage of what it would cost buying those rooms outright. Under our contract, hotels guarantee that they will not release your protected rooms without your permission.
More FAQs...
Why should we make arrangements in advance? We’ve been able to get rooms in the past…
There’s always a chance that you’ll be able to find rooms when you need them in the right locations at the right times and for the length of time you need them. But how many? At what cost? There are no guarantees. Except with Continuity Housing. With us, housing is one less thing to worry about. You will know that the infrastructure is in place to guarantee your critical employees a suitable, pre-vetted hotel so they can focus on the job at hand. Without this component, your plan is incomplete.
Do we have to use Continuity Housing’s hotels?
We do not represent specific hotels. Continuity Housing partners with all hotels in all locations. We customize our RFP based on your criteria and provide you with a detailed report with our recommendations. The choice of hotels is up to you.
What if Continuity Housing has another client that wants to use the same hotel we’re already using? Isn’t that a conflict of interest?
Yes. It is a conflict and for that reason we will never put two client companies at the same hotel.
What happens if we have to deploy?
You activate us and we respond with fully executed hotel contracts and confirmation numbers within 24 hours. We also provide someone onsite to manage activity if required. We provide you with the information about where the hotel locations are, including maps for you to distribute to your employees . . . or we can communicate to your employees directly.
How can I be sure that the Continuity Housing team will be available to assist us during a deployment?
We’re available for an activation 24/7. Our team members are located throughout the U.S. and utilize multiple redundancies to provide coverage whenever and wherever it is required.
What’s the success rate of Continuity Housing and how is it measured?
Continuity Housing has a 100% successful performance record over multiple deployments. No client employee has ever had to secure their own room during a deployment because one wasn’t available to them under their Continuity Housing contract.