Meet the Continuity Housing Team


Michelle Lowther
President & CEO/Founder
[email protected]
(832) 594-8286
Houston, Texas

Connect with Michelle on LinkedIn

Michelle created this program in 2006, launched the Continuity Housing brand in 2011 and has been in the hotel industry since 1990.


  • Creating and constantly evolving Continuity Housing’s proprietary program
  • Writing/negotiating hotel contracts
  • Hotel sales and hotel operations
  • Public speaking
  • Training

Why I’m here: I love what I do. By specializing in this niche market, I’m able to put my years in the hotel industry to work in such a creative and essential way, and every day, every client is different. When we manage a client through a deployment, we really get in the trenches with them, working crazy hours and getting to flex our collective industry muscles. Although it can get intense, it’s nothing compared to what our clients’ employees and their families are facing. I find it extremely gratifying that we can impact people’s lives in a positive way during what we know is a very stressful time.

Michelle’s hotel career began in the spring of 1990.  After working her way through various hotel operational and sales positions Michelle found herself in Houston in 2005, working with a New Orleans based company who’d relocated their operations after Hurricane Katrina.  Through that experience, she created what is now Continuity Housing’s proprietary program to contractually guarantee hotel rooms for critical personnel without having to buy them outright.

In June 2006 she joined ConferenceDirect, a meetings management company, and was soon recognized for booking record-breaking revenue and creating innovative hotel contracts for corporate business continuity programs. She was honored for these efforts as the 2006 Rookie of the Year at their Annual Partner Meeting in Chicago and has consistently been recognized as a top performer.

From 2010 to 2014, Michelle led a team of 29 associates during the Deepwater Horizon incident. She put boots on the ground at incident command centers along the Gulf Coast and secured accommodations for thousands of individuals involved with the incident and restoration effort. Michelle’s team negotiated contracts with 72 hotels in nine cities and monitored each hotel’s performance and compliance every day for the duration of the response.  Her outstanding leadership on the project earned her ConferenceDirect’s Alliance Award in 2011.

Although Michelle’s business continuity program has helped clients since 2006, her experience on the Deepwater Horizon project led her to see the market need for a company that specializes in housing and logistics assistance for companies affected by disasters. She founded Continuity Housing to expand her reach and more sharply focus her service offering.

Michelle’s expertise in business continuity housing, conference planning and hotel contracting have made her a sought-after resource and a popular speaker. She is based in Houston, Texas.